The ABC's of Stress Management
Stress is universal and running at epidemic levels these days, I have blogged about it on many occasions; offering clients insight to the physical impact that chronic stress is having on their bodies. What's ironic is we talk about body and mind like they are two separate entities ... but the reality is the two are in constant communication that we are not even aware of! A recent course offered me a new articulation on the physical impact of stress; image if you will that our body is a house (not a stretch since our soul lives there right?) several rooms in the house are dedicated to long term health and healing, and one room is designated to immediate survival. Long term health and healing rooms include digestion, reproduction, growth, immunity, healing, and when we are relaxed, which translates to feeling safe; our energy flows through all the rooms in our house ... all is well! Enter stress, or feeling unsafe; and all the energy flowing in our house is d...