Spa's, Happiness, & the Pursuit of Joy

Hauled all the luggage back into the house, if you've ever gone away for a day or two; you know what that feels like!

On the one had you are so grateful to be home, on the other; the wee get away you've been looking forward to; is now behind you and on the 'memories made' list!

You're tired but rejuvenated, there is  still a pain in your abdomen from the laughter, and while part of you wishes it didn't have to end, you're so grateful that it happened at all!

The opportunity to step out of your life, to check in to an alternate universe; a comfy room with a fireplace and friends to share new experiences with … what an incredible gift!

At 52 I have one travel experience that didn't happen without my husband; this passed weekend makes two!  I love to travel, and if I am being totally honest; I am damned good at it!  I travel efficient and am always prepared … for everything!

I had never been to Blue Mountain, but it was remarkably similar to Canmore, Alberta; or Whistler, British Columbia .. a beautiful village at the bottom of a ski hill … boutique shops, delicious food options, and stunning scenery.

The highlight of our getaway was the Scandinave Spa … a place of silence, sauna's, steam rooms, outdoor hot tubs, heated stone walkways, nestled into the woods at the bottom of the mountain … rustic barns, floor to ceiling windows overlooking lakes and forests, and Muskoka chairs cozied up to fire pits with snow flakes falling softly all around us.  Did I mention silence?

Silence was perhaps the most alluring attraction of all!  No conversations, just people enjoying their surroundings … as I sat up to my neck in 104 degree spa, with a waterfall cascading beside me, I looked around at the serene faces, pure enjoyment, stress melting and easy surrender into the environment … an alternate universe hardly begins to describe the experience!

Of course travelling with three other women the silence ended as we left the spa!

I spend a great deal of time alone, but not lonely - I meditate and dig deep into my own thoughts, I reason and rationalize with my Self; and in the end I have clarity on my emotions, my perspective isn't surprising to me because I have analyzed what has happened to bring me to where I am - I have either made peace, or am working on making peace with all my life experiences! Life according to Jo.

The beauty of gathering with other people we trust and respect; is being able to share that authentic Self, no judgment just a safe sounding board!  It's easy when you are alone to settle into what may not be the best narrative for you experiences … conversations like the ones we shared can crack things open, in a good and meaningful way that opens you to expansion!

Expansion after all is growth, and growth is born in grounded nurture!  In order to fully grow you have to ground yourself into your existence; and from there nurturing is required (think of a seed you plant in the earth and water and allow the sun to shine on - growth happens) - nurturing comes in so many forms for our conscious growth, silence and connection are definitely two staples; and I know a simple girls weekend away was just what I needed at this particular time!

For a long time on my journey I worked with the ideology that I was in pursuit of happiness; it was only just over a year ago that I started using 'joy' as my guide.  I honestly can't remember what prompted the word swap, happiness just never really resonated on the inside for me.

During one of many deep life conversations this weekend happiness was broken down to something derived from 'happenings' … it was emotion driven by events, and things of an external nature that were fleeting … as the words filled the room I had clarity on why it was Joy that I felt an internal connection to!

Joy isn't driven by happenings; it's in your heart and fills your soul … while I had already made the shift emotionally, I now had clarity on the difference.

The timing couldn't be better as we head into the Holiday Season; allow happiness to guide your happenings, but let joy guide your schedule and fill your heart!
