Up Stress Creek...

Stress has become the underlying cause of so many things these days it's hard to keep up, obesity, anxiety, heart disease, physical pain, impaired memory, and on, and on, and on!  So what is this stress thing, and how is it causing so much chaos?

Stress in and of itself is simply our bodies automated response to challenge.  Challenge is a pretty broad spectrum, and offers each of us our very own unique triggers for stress.  I may feel challenged waiting in line to get on a roller coaster, you may find that wait totally exhilarating... one of us is stressed, and the other is excited! 

Our bodies 'fight or flight' response was extremely helpful to our survival as a species when it was common place to need to out run a bear.  Fight or Flight response is an automated function within the body to help us survive the perceived threat; it's really quite amazing what goes on behind the scenes...

1. You feel challenged or threatened

2. Your Body responds ... a hormone called cortisol is released, cortisol triggers the liver to release stored glucose (to use as energy in the fight, or fuel for the flight), cortisol is also used to control swelling should you receive any injuries, while all of this is going on our immune system and our digestive system is suppressed - our body has bigger issues to deal with right now, our heart pumps faster pushing more blood to the brain and muscles to keep us sharp and ready for action, our blood vessels constrict and our breathing may become laboured... we are ready to deal with stress now!

So in the event that you were face to face with a bear, or stuck in a burning building these responses by our body would be hugely beneficial in your ability to survive... but here's the problem - most of the stress we are living under these days isn't necessarily life or death, and in many cases it isn't a once and done occurrence that our body deals with and recovers from, it's chronic and it goes on for days, weeks, and even years!

Living for extended periods of time under stress takes a huge toll on your body.  Think about how your body responds to that automatic cortisol release... stored glucose is released from the liver; and when glucose levels are lowered guess what, your liver sends messages that it needs more and you're smack dab in the middle of some serious sugary, carby cravings.. all of which can lead to mindless binge eating of fast food crap and subsequent weight gain ... not fun!

That suppressed immune system?  How do you think that is going to affect you long term?  I know personally I have been stressed out planning events and end up deathly ill by the time I get to the end!  A suppressed immune system is not supporting your bodies ability to ward off disease, sooner or later you are going to get sick.. and that can be a simple flu; or something much worse!

Studies have shown that prolonged elevated cortisol levels are proven to interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, and risk of heart disease; just to name a few!

The simplest way to describe what's happening is this; your body perceives all threats the same; face to face with a bear is handled the same as a looming deadline at work, it's a challenge and it's handled with cortisol and chain of events within the body that were never intended to be endured over extended periods of time!

The very process that was designed to keep us alive is slowly killing us!  Years ago I can remember being told to eliminate stress from my life and I would be healthier and happier... sounds great being healthier and happier; except how is eliminating stress even possible?  It isn't; eliminating stress is right up there with attaining perfection!  Not everyone can quit a job that's causing them stress, or finish school without exams creating stress, and how do you eliminate the stress of raising children after you have already had three?

Stress response is a real tangible thing within our bodies, we can't control that; what we can do is control our 'perception' of what challenges us!  Back to the roller coaster line up; I'm stressed and releasing cortisol, my hearts racing, I'm sweating and all the normal fight or flight options are taking place... you're excited, many of the same physical things are happening, your heart is pumping, you're sweating but you brain is excited; no need for cortisol, and no fight or flight response!

If you haven't already; take the time and assess the stress in your life!  Get up in it's face, and figure it out, ask yourself if it can be eliminated; if the answer is yes, get rid of it!  If the answer is no then you have some work to do in taming the beast!

The good news is there are so many effective ways to reduce the effects of stress in our lives!  Awareness was one of my greatest freedoms, when I figured out where my stressors were, even if I couldn't eliminate them, I better understood them and that in itself was helpful!  My next step was to accept what I couldn't change and find new ways to look at it; I developed a gratitude practice and for everything that stressed me out; I challenged myself to find something to be thankful for in that situation!  Life changing!

Gratitude seems trivial, and I am often met with skepticism when I offer it as a stress relief option, and in some cases I am accused of wearing rose coloured glasses and told to get off my unicorn and join the real world where people have real problems... and still I persist that gratitude is a practice worth pursuing.  To find gratitude requires a mindful approach to life, and 80% of the worlds most successful people have a mindfulness practice... you can too!

While you are working on the mindfulness and the shift in perspective, which takes time... a lot of time depending on how many ways your perception has been altered by life experiences; there are some really great physical practices that will get you over the monkey mind of stress in the interim! 

Restorative yoga offers gentle stretching postures that allow you to completely and comfortably relax and restore the body and mind!  One of my favourites is Viparita Karani, or legs up the wall which I demonstrate in this video! 

In yoga there is also Pranayama ( control of the breath) which is very useful in shifting energy and controlling your bodies automated responses.

As awesome as our brains are, they can only focus on one thing at a time!  So when you turn your attention to your breath, and away from stress; you shift the energy and calm the response.  Breathing is automated by the body; so we don't often spend time thinking about or noticing it, in dealing with stress it is a great practice to notice your breath often throughout the day!  Find a moment or two of quite space, allow your mind to center on your breath, inhale, exhale and repeat for as long as you can - most monkey minds struggle for a 2-3 breath focus; no worries about losing focus, just come back to it over and over, each noticed breath is helping to reduce your stress levels!

Life happens; it isn't the load that breaks us, it's how we carry it!  Creating healthy coping mechanisms for stress will go a long way in supporting all the other goals in your life!  One of the best places to start your healthy lifestyle is right here; right now, in making this moment stress free! 


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