Lifestyle = ....
As I make my way through B-School the challenge to clarify
my 'business' is a real struggle! I will be completely honest here, when I
first stamped my brick and mortar as a 'fitness & lifestyle studio' I was
running with trendy buzz words and while it was exactly what I was offering, I
wasn't completely aware of it at the time!
The term Lifestyle is defined quite simply as 'the way a person lives'.
Forgive me but there is absolutely nothing simple about the way a person lives! There are a ridiculous number of moving parts, changing perspectives and revolving targets on any given day! What works today or this year may not work the following year, we evolve and the key to building a lifestyle you can really live with is embracing constant evolution; the growth mindset!
Throughout those years, my own healing journey, which is the basis of everything I do, and offer to my clients; unfolded as an eclectic mix of pole fitness, reiki healing, yoga mudras, and nutrient dense, humane and sustainable food choices!
I find clarity in the way each of these things has lead me to the next, with essential oils, mindfulness & gratitude practices, chakra balancing and so much more along the way; I love that each of them compliments and support the other, and me in my wellness!
But how do I narrow my focus to
determine which practice I base my new business on?
The simple reality for me is that each practice has an equally important role in my overall wellness; there is room and need for everything!
If I continue to share them all, and continue to direct
clients to stay curious, be creative, take what they need and leave the rest
behind ... is that sufficient?
A year or more ago I wrote about the ‘messy middle’; what I
have come to understand is that ‘Life’, is in fact the messy middle for all of
us! The common denominator for every
human is that between birth and death, there is life, the middle, the amazingly
frustrating, totally awesome inspiring, Messy Middle is Life!
I keep cycling the ‘messy middle’ back to lifestyle, everything I am doing, teaching and supporting are lifestyle choices; and they can all be directed back to three subcategories ... move, nourish, create!
Move is as simple as it sounds, but as complex as each of us as individuals!
There are infinite ways to move our bodies and make no mistake our bodies are designed for movement! There are optimal ways to train movement; ways that build muscle and enhance mobility, flexibility and stability; those are what I strive for and share!
Nourish speaks to 'food is fuel'; but it goes beyond our physical body!
Our minds need nourishment, our spirit thrives on nourishment; ‘food for thought’ brings balance to our ‘food is fuel’ caloric requirements! If the truth really is that our soul purpose is to take care of the body we are gifted; then nourishment on 'all levels' is a lifestyle obligation!
'Create' is all encompassing!
Whether you are creating on a canvas, in a saucepan, at a keyboard, or in a garden; creativity is limited only by your own imagination! Creativity as depicted by Wikipedia, would suggest is the "phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is created'.
Something new and valuable!
As I create programs, inspire nourishment in everything from whole foods to mediation, and turn movement into a daily practice; I am living my 'lifestyle' and absolutely challenging you to live yours! The messy middle is different for everyone, filled with unique experiences, desires, and opportunities … but it’s lived the same for all of us, one precious moment at a time!
Over the next few months I will be integrating my B-School experience, my 12 years of business experience, and my 52 years of life experience into a Lifestyle Experience, that no one is going to want to miss! I am excited, inspired and completely open to what lies ahead! But first ... Vacation!
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