il dolce far niente

The sweetness of doing nothing!

I love to say it in Italian; "il dolce far neinte'; and the thought of it sounds divine ... my intention for 2018 half suggested 'doing nothing'; at least as 'nothing' as I can bring myself to tolerate!

No new trainings!  Doing nothing but marinate in myself as I am, with what I know, right now, practicing it, living it and teaching it, as it is ... and so far I'm doing great! 

I am revisiting completed online programs, rereading books that I went through too quickly; or without the perspective required to really apply the information.  I am finding ways to incorporate it all; into my own daily practices as well as share it; with 'in person' clients, and the online community.

The other side of my intentions this year was to 'create'; and while creating 'content' is a great side hustle that really helps solidify my trainings; my main objective was to create space where I live .. At Home!

The kind of space that happens when you minimize your possessions, when you let go of what no longer serves you in material belongings; the kind of space that can then be renovated, remodelled and expanded to better suit who you, and your family have become!

Our lifestyles have changed dramatically over the passed 30 years that we have lived in this home, not to mention our numbers have dropped in terms of full time occupancy!  I have quickly scooped up the square footage of spare bedrooms and created an office, a  treatment room for reiki and massage, and an at home studio!

The shift from having my family under one roof was not an easy transition for me; for better or for worse since having children my perceived  'purpose' was raising my family ... I hadn't thought about them going off on their own, or God forbid not needing me?  

In fairness even though they venture out into the world they never really stop needing their mom; the fact of the matter is, as they become independent 'mom' gets to pick and choose the kind of help she will continue to be for her kids. 

That transition, the one where I got to choose to say NO, was the kicker for me; I hung in there doing everything I was called upon to do; stopping and starting with my own life to accommodate their struggles ... in the end my own growth was nonexistent; and I knew I had a problem when I was turning opportunities down, or refusing to start projects because I anticipated the next crisis one of my kids might be on my door step with... and I didn't want to be busy when it happened!

My ability to do 'nothing' has greatly improved!  In all honesty I was doing everyone in my life a disservice by being completely available, no one learns by having things done for them, and no matter how much you love someone you can't help but feel resentment when every waking minute is spent on someone else!

Just over a month into my 2018 Intentions and I feel good! 

This morning was all about the big renovation we have planned, and I am beyond excited about the 'space' clearing and upgrading that is about to happen!  The messy middle is upon us and while I know we will be worked hard, inconvenienced and pushed; I also know we will be rewarded in the end with a new comfort 'At Home'.

I have several new programs that I am working on for the online community; things that will help me solidify my knowledge by teaching it!  As I integrate things into my own lifestyle practices I am able to create programs for clients; I have always maintained that I would never coach someone to do something that I haven't at least tried for myself.

When I am creating videos or challenges, I need to come from a place of full comprehension; if it made a difference in my life, then I'm sharing that for sure!  If I know why it didn't work for me, but still feel it has merit for someone else, or that perhaps at a different time in my life it would have been helpful, then I'm sharing it with those disclaimers!

So as I continue to enjoy the 'sweetness of doing nothing' and create space; please know that I fully prescribe to these practices I am sharing!  I'm not pushing what I think you need to hear, I'm sharing 'my life', my practices with heaping helpings of my 'why'; if it resonates with you by all means try it, if it doesn't that's okay too!

For so many years the buzz has been around doing and being 'more'; I ran myself ragged; and completely lost years of my life trying to live up to imaginary expectations that in no way, shape, or form supported my end goals!  I know there are so many people out there trying to have it 'all'; but none of it is really what they want!

I can assure you; there is so much 'MORE' to be found in saying NO, in letting yourself BE, and creating space! 

Il dolce far niente .... when we are still; when we listen to our soul; we hear our hearts desire, we know what our 'more' needs to be ... you can accomplish great things in the sweetness of doing nothing!


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