Spring Equinox 108 Challenge

The Spring Equinox; equal amounts of dark and light, the gate way to warmth from the sun, longer daylight hours, and as I made my way across the yard this morning; there is also a multitude of things requiring attention on the lawn - the joy of owning a dog!  Funny how even the worst of chores are welcomed when the sun is shining on you, and you get to be outside!

The yoga community I am part of online celebrated the Spring Equinox with a 108 Sun Salutations practice... yes 108!  Part of this whole process for me is being open to new things, finding new and healthy ways to flow in my life!  My first reaction when it was posted was 'ya right'; then excitement mounted among the members; I found myself thinking I could probably do it?  right?  What's the worst that's going to happen?  So having the house to myself for the evening last night I decided to give it a go!

As I unrolled my mat, filled my water bottle and thought about the almost 2 hour video I was about to hit play on, I started to second guess my ability!  My inside voice was reminding me that I have a full schedule of classes coming this week, and I really don't need to start the week worn out with a wrecked shoulder... I looked at my reflection in the mirror and in that moment I got curious... could I actually do 108?  I hit play!

The first 15 were relatively easy, I practice 10 a day on a regular basis and was feeling pretty warmed up at 15.  The video that the group leader had put up for us all had us flowing in chunks of 15 with a break and then 15 more.  Totally doable I thought after 15... by 20 I turned the volume off, feeling a little bitter about her perky attitude!

Somewhere around 30 my dark side was in high gear, demanding to know who I was trying to impress; and questioning if I was the only idiot doing these things while everyone else posted 'fake news' about their success on the mat!  "Check your bullshit meter!"  may have been screamed at me once or twice!  But I kept going!

By 50 I was in a modified flow; my shoulder was no longer open to chatarunga; and my dark side was threatening to put a stop to this madness!  But I kept going!

By 60 my dark side had given up on me, exhausted every logical excuse to quit that it could come up with, and I was flowing purely on breath, inhale, exhale... I wondered occasionally if this would be the one I didn't get back up from, but there was always root to rise, and I kept going!

Somewhere between 80 and 90 I was beaming; I was actually going to get through 108 Sun Salutations in an hour and a half!  The Healing Chant set the pace and beyond amazement at my ability to get this far; there were no other thoughts that I can recall... just breath, slow, steady, and stronger by the movement, breath.

Tears flowed at 100; and I have to say it was in that moment that I truly came to believe that I can do anything I set my mind to!  I hurt in 108 places in my body, but I kept going!  I found my chatarunga for the final 8 and there was no pain, by this point I had found full and proper alignment, my body was moving with my breath and every muscle was bearing its own share of the load.. it was balance and bliss, and I was so ready for the Spring Equinox!

The celebration ended with a mala 108 breath meditation, perfection!  This morning as my feet hit the floor I was reminded of what I had done; but I felt alive and strong, and above all else grateful for this lifestyle I am creating; and so incredibly happy not to have given in to fear!

For a long time now my efforts have been focussed on challenging clients, creating programs for others to succeed; and I absolutely love what I do and the success I have helped people find; but through this yoga journey (the joga project) I have found a renewed inspiration to challenge myself, to never stop growing, in what I do and what I feel!

Happy Spring everyone!


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